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Editor’s Choice

The Compassion Remedy By Catherina Wergin Schweikert, PhD, MPH, PA-C Compassion is no longer considered a soft skill in the healthcare industry but an essential one.

The Scoop

What time’s dinner? What time you eat your last meal of the day might impact your risk of cardiovascular disease; a new study finds. This research is the first of its kind to

Digital good-byes

What happens to on-line presence after you’re gone? Dealing with digital accounts is not usually the first thing on one’s mind when it comes to end-of-life planning. However,

Apathy and Parkinson’s

Apathy is a feeling of low motivation that is common among people with Parkinson’s disease (PD). About 50% of people with PD will experience apathy, which is believed to be

Wise Advice

Tired and run down? Try this… Could it be low iron? Anemia is caused by various factors, with iron deficiency being one of the most common. When your body lacks iron, it

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