Color & Control:

102 ways to share the care 

The need for and role of family caregivers is increasing by leaps and bounds. And, it’s clearer than ever before that caregivers are key players in both the family and their communities. However, with the focus on patient care, a carers own struggles and challenges often go unnoticed.

For many who devote their time to caring for someone… a spouse, a parent, or a child, their work is meaningful and rewarding but it can also be emotionally and physically draining as well as isolating. Getting a physical and emotional support as well as respite and the opportunity to socialize has been shown to have a positive impact a caregiver’s ability to sustain the level of care that their loved one needs.  

And, while time off and attending support groups can be a valuable resource, there are plenty of other ways all of us can help the caregivers in our lives. Here are our top 102 ways you can step up as a fellow family member, co-worker, friend or neighbour:

Help around the house

Whether its seasonal chores or weekly maintenance there’s always lots to do indoors and out at your parent’s or an older adult’s home.

1. Re-stock supplies in kitchens and bathrooms
2. Help with making or changing bed linens
3. Touch up paint scuffs and scrapes
4. Replace furnace and a/c filters
5. Change and date smoke-alarm batteries
6. Change and date carbon monoxide batteries
7. Pick up and sort mail or flyers
8. Sort re-cycling 
9. Deliver items to be donated to charity shops
10. Look for burned out light bulbs 
11. Shake out scatter rugs and door mats
12. Dust blinds and knick-nacks
13. Help de-clutter
14. Repair things if you can
15. Put up and take down seasonal decorations
16. Place an easy to find list on the refrigerator of important numbers

1. Help put out garbage and recycling
2. Bring in the bins after collection 
3. Clean out eavestroughs
4. Check and repair railings 
5. Patch walkways
6. Mow the lawn
7. Plant flowers in Spring
8. Rake leaves in Fall
9. Assist with snow removal and ice in winter 
10. Plant a vegetable or herb garden
11. Buy bulbs and plant them 
12. Pick fruit and make jam or pies
13. Weed, water and dead-head flower gardens
14. Trim hedges and trees
15. Plant bulbs
16. Sweep pathways
17. Take out, clean, store garden furniture
18. Put up Christmas lights

Eating and cooking

Maintaining a healthy diet continues to be important as we age. Often lack of energy, inability to shop and cook and loneliness impact what seniors eat. To help:
1. Create a grocery list together
2. Bring over a casserole or pie 
3. Order in take away meals
4. Cook dinner together once or twice a week
5. Plan a recipe exchange with friends
6. Create weekly meal plan 
7. Cook and freeze extra meals
8. Plant and nurture a garden for fresh produce

Spiritual Support

Connections to faith groups and ability to share become harder for some. Support by:
1. Assisting with meditation or joining a mindfulness group
2. Arranging community prayer
3. Following traditions and spiritual holidays
4. Facilitating home visits from church leaders
5. Reading spiritual texts 
6. Worshiping (sing) together
7. Encouraging journaling 
8. Playing hymns or choir music
9. Providing a drive to church or mosque, etc
10. Help fundraise or friendship events

Pet  Care

At times, daily care and exercising pets can be a challenge: 
1. Offer to walk a dog 
2. Take a cherished pet to the vet
3. Give or remind about daily medications
4. Sort out bathing or grooming
5. Clean pet cages/beds/toys


Keeping active mentally and physically is all part of staying well. When you can you might want to:
1. Visit a park, gallery or museum
2. Read out loud or listen to music 
3. Pick up and return library books
4. Stream videos or documentaries
5. Find comedy shows to watch
6. Share a quote or word of the day
7. Play favourite shows and videos
8. Recommend new artists and music 
9. Plan a movie night
10. Share family photos/ frame some
11. Attend a sports event together
12. Invite grandchildren and family over
13. Keep a list of close friends and their contact information
14. Schedule pet visits/therapy
15. Enjoy colouring books/art activities 
16. Bring fresh lowers 
17. Arrange for long country drives


There’s always lots to do when it comes to paperwork, filing and organizing things. You can make a difference when you help to:
1. Create a drop box or a physical binder with important documents
2. Make a contact list for emergencies
3. Add homecare agency and PSW to the contact list
4. Book and set appointment reminders
5. Update electronics and software
6. Collect the mail and parcels
7. Help select and mail cards and birthday gifts
8. Find and attend social events together
9. Clear out and shred old documents
10. Help respond to emails
11. Set up/program electronic items
12. Create a sharable calendar for dates/appointments.
13. Assist with paperwork and filing 
14. Support bill paying in person or on-line
15. Keep track of local addresses for hospitals, doctors, dentists, labs, etc
16. Compare cell phone/cable plans for senior discounts

Personal Care

From bathing and dressing to tidying there are some tasks that shouldn’t be ignored:
1. Simplify clothing choices and options
2. Encourage someone to give away unused items
3. Help fold and put away laundry
4. Pick up prescriptions and personal care items 
5. Drop off and pick up at dry cleaner 
6. Sort and tidy without being too invasive


If a family car is still being used for transport, it’s a real godsend when someone handles weekly and seasonal maintenance:
1. Fill up car with gas
2. Do a car wash inside and out
3. Arrange for seasonal snow tires changes 
4. Book and/or take car to be serviced
5. Set reminders about license and insurance renewals
6. If qualified, help apply for a wheelchair parking permit.

I’m sure you will think of other helpful tips and ideas, and not only put them into practice, but share them with others at   

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