After months of stress it’s hard to imagine our world ever going back to the way it was. But carry on we must … for our families, our patients, ourselves and all those dreams that have been put on hold.
Even as difficult times continue and many in our circles still face challenges of separation and limited social opportunities and the long-term effects of the pandemic, it’s time to re-build our resilience and double down on self-care.
Never doubt your worth. By refocusing to use our time wisely, learning and meditating our way to better mental health, experts suggest we’ll be able stay calmer and more assured. With kindness, we can find strength and with gratitude, inner peace.
Success is a series of small wins. Try to focus on small changes to bring back a sense of control for yourself and others, be they colleagues, friends, your spouse, children or the person you are caring for. Instead of trying to rewrite your life story overnight, consider easier fixes that can lead to greater returns over time. Reset your personal and workplace goals to celebrate day-to-day successes of yourself and others. You don’t need to run a mile … a great journey starts with a single step.
Life is 10 per cent what happens to us and 90 per cent how we react to it. Nurture a growth and self-care mindset that suits you. As humans, we are uniquely suited to improving but we need to foster the right circumstances for ourselves to thrive without distraction. Choose to be around those who care about you, embrace new skills, behaviours and attitudes and find ways to meet interesting new people with love and energy to share.
Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow isn’t here yet. Can you build on what you have or do you need a fresh start? Day one or one day, it’s your decision. Rise up beyond the losses and disappointments and exhaustion. Open windows and push aside barriers. Take the time and room you need to pause and reconsider your values, your direction and, most importantly, your own needs as a caregiver.
As Sir Edmond Hillary, the first man to climb Mt. Everest so wisely said, “It’s not the mountain that we climb but, ourselves.”
Caroline Tapp-McDougall
Editor in Chief