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Your Feedback

Address label

My bag was snatched in the grocery store. A few days later a kind stranger brought it back to my house. Believe it or not, my Caregiver Solutions magazine was in the purse and he’d used the address label to find me. Best of all, not much was missing.
–Fiona Wilton, Sydney, NS

Editor’s Note: Glad your purse found its way home. It’s comforting to know there are still decent people in the world  who care enough to go out of their way to help others. 

Brave stories

I’ve read the recent stories of the Canada Cares Award recipients. What a dedicated and inspiring group of caregivers. They are all to be applauded for their love and commitment.
–Naheed Ahmad, Ajax, ON

Editor’s Note: Once again, we’re proud to be the exclusive media partner for the awards and help to celebrate these remarkable Canadians. For those who haven’t read their stories visit

A wonderful gift

I care for my older sister in our family farmhouse. A cousin and his wife gifted me 2 years of your magazine for my last birthday. I’d never seen it before and each time my copy arrives I’m reminded that it’s one of the most helpful gifts I’ve received in years.
–Alex Pelletier, Montreal, QC

Editor’s Note: We understand some of the challenges of caregiving in a rural area. Hope our content gives you some rewarding ideas that make caring for your sister a little easier.

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