Color & Control:

The Scoop

It’s never too late to build your nest egg?

Here’s some wise advice from bankers about next steps to follow when it comes to planning for retirement.
1) Plan your lifestyle and make the future as predictable as possible
2) Understand your spending today and estimate what it’s likely to be in the future
3) Work with a financial advisor to project your income and expenses
4) Put your savings plan on auto-pilot with regular deposits to a dedicated savings account
5) Invest for the long term and revisit your investment plan regularly, at least once a year
6) Determine the best time to draw down on public pension benefits or personal savings.


Get moving

The longer older women sit or lay down during the course of a day—and the longer the individual periods of uninterrupted sitting—the greater their risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart disease and stroke. A UK study has shown that reducing sedentary time by just an hour a day appears to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases by 12 per cent—and for heart disease alone, by a dramatic 26 per cent.

Did you know?

“Arachibutyrophobia” is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth.


8 ways to make a kitchen safer

1. Turn pot handles away
2. Use kettles with shut off features
3. Lower the hot water temperature
4. Secure electrical cords
5. Don’t stack things in the fridge
6. Keep a fire extinguisher handy
7. Push things back from the counter’s edge
8. Load sharp utensils points down.


8 Kidney friendly foods 

If you have chronic kidney disease, you’ll likely meet with a renal nutritionist. Beware even some good-for-you foods like fruits and veggies may be restricted or even off-limits. Here are eight foods that are still good to eat: spices, berries, eggs, olive oil, cauliflower and other cruciferous veggies. Also, water, refined grains, garlic and onions.


Did you know?

Drinking something hot on a hot day may help your body stay cool by generating increased sweat, which cools down your body.

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