This wise advice will help you stay strong, clearheaded and positive at difficult times on your journey.
How ready are you to provide care and what type of care is needed? This may be your reality check. This quick questionnaire will help you determine the type of care and support your older adult may need. Answer “yes” or “no” to the following questions to get a sense of where you and your parents stand.
Does your parent suffer from moments of memory loss, which at times jeopardizes their safety?
Is your loved one less able to maintain their home (do you notice the lack of cleanliness is becoming worse)?
Is your parent often alone?
Is your parent affected by a worsening illness or disability that’s making it more difficult to manage independently?
Is your parent facing a life-threatening illness yet plans to live for the remaining days of their life at home?
Do you, as a caregiver, find yourself exhausted and feeling like you have no time to yourself?
• If you answered “yes” to one or more questions from numbers 1 to 4, you may require additional care services at home. Contact your local provincial healthcare service or a nursing agency.
• If you answered “yes” to question number 5, palliative home-care programs exist and can help. Visit for very helpful information.
• If you answered “yes” to question number 6, respite or caregiver/family care will be helpful. Check with your local healthcare service.
Read the next article to learn more about meeting your parents’ needs while maintaining your work/life balance.