Healthcare professionals answer questions about caregiving, long-term care and seniors’ health.
He’s a longtime family friend. Not the sort you’d ordinarily expect to find around our house, but a genuine good soul who has earned an undisputed place in our lives.
A friend will be there when you need him or her. He or she is one of those rare people who ask you how you’re doing and then wait for an answer.
Here’s to your health and happiness and your new-found determination to make good choices every day that really do make a difference.
"My dear girl, the day you see I’m getting old, I ask you to please be patient, but most of all, try to understand what I’m going through.
The world will top two billion people over the age of 65 by 2050 and 2/3 of people still wanting to live in urban areas, it’s not unreasonable to expect the brightest minds to deliver more blockbuster think tanks, leadership forums, and a surge of helpful product and technology developments.
According to acknowledged psychological principles, one of the key reasons we humans struggle with change is because of our loss of perceived control.
When I walked in with my shirts a month ago, Ed, my trusty dry cleaner, gave me a big smile and said goodbye. No notice, no sadness, just…“I’m 64 and a half, I’ve found a buyer and I’m out of here.
It was a busy blur of rushing to the hospital, rearranging prior commitments and trying to banish anxious thoughts of what might be just around the corner.