More and more seniors want to live in their own homes and, with advances in technology, are able to do so.
There is growing concern about the social isolation that can affect older people.
It’s no secret that caregivers experience stress. Accepting the caregiver role and having to redefine your life as a result is a tall order.
Caregiving can help clarify an individual’s beliefs and deepen their sense of their own values, compassion and patience.
Caregivers will be constantly faced with making decisions. And, whether big or small, whatever you decide may impact lots of people and have lasting effects. Let’s take a look at how three families tackled the issues.
As people age, it’s not uncommon for personalities to change and that may include developing more demanding behaviour.
For many caregiving couples and families, there is a powerful belief that any abusive issues are a private, family matter.
Older adults often have more to think about than those who are middle-aged or new homebuyers when it comes to ongoing home maintenance and repairs, as well as the potential need for modifications.
The challenges facing working caregivers are of course gender neutral and the tips provided can assist both males and females.
No one wants to be away from family, friends or work because of illness. Get vaccinated and enable yourself and others to remain healthy through this season and the next.