According to the CDC, about 329,000 people get affected by the Lyme disease every year in the United States.
Dad’s personal support worker always turns on the television and listens to loud music. I know he hates it. Should I ask her to stop?
My 65 –year-old sister loves her dog but is having difficulty taking care of him. Her nurse has offered to feed and walk Bruno. Is that okay?
Depression is a complex thing with many faces. It can look like happiness one day, followed by the deepest form of sadness the next day.
My mother refuses to let her care provider bathe her. What can I do to improve the situation?
My father-in-law, is recovering from a stroke. How can we help him keep fit during his recovery?
This simple and savoury spinach quiche will melt in your mouth. It's a great choice for a quick lunch.
I met with a couple I have known for years. They had requested the meeting to discuss their “living will,” also known as an advance directive.
Gail Schwartz wants to keep her 85-year-old husband out of a nursing home as long as she can, but it isn’t easy.