As an adult child of aging parents, you might notice a change in their behaviour as a result of stress, depression or anxiety.
When geriatricians and other specialists are asked to identify the common reasons for decline in older adults, we tend to agree that age alone is not a sufficient explanation.
My mother refuses to use her walker, and I’m worried she’ll fall. Any tips to encourage her to use it?
Moving into a new home is daunting at any age, but for seniors, embracing a new life can be hindered by age, disability, bereavement or the reluctance to change.
Regardless of this experience, older drivers have more collisions per kilometres driven than any other age group.
Everyone needs to exercise. Medical evidence provides overwhelming support for the benefits it provides for every condition under the sun, from arthritis to cancer.
The warm weather has arrived once again! Enjoy the outdoors safely and comfortably with friends and family. Think ahead and be prepared.
Has your mother fallen in her home recently? Is she eating ok? Have you noticed any other changes in her behaviour? There may be a medical reason why she is reluctant to leave the home.
It’s hard to know where to begin caring for someone. Often we are not prepared for these situations until we find ourselves in them.
It is with a chuckle that I recall the daily breakfast served by my landlady; the most heart-unhealthy collection imaginable by today’s standards.