Adult children often face different challenges than professional caregivers, making toug decisions and other considerations.
If you’re planning to get away in the coming months, here are some tips to make your journey just a bit more enjoyable.
Your dad has Alzheimer’s, and now lives in a long-term care home half an hour away from your office. Your mum who lives with you has a mild stroke six months ago and is now using a walker. You have wall to wall plush carpets, and your home is margining accessible. It’s time for some […]
Staying active and in touch with family and friends is a large part of maintaining both physical and mental health. For many of our older adults, maintaining an independent lifestyle and getting out and about with ease becomes a bigger challenge with age. Often, safety, fear of falling and fatigue are worries which lead to […]
What I’ve learned is that one size doesn’t fit all, and change ideas and changing circumstances. What’s right for today may not work tomorrow given emerging health or financial concerns. For example, if you’re looking for ways to encourage socializing and safer living, investigate house sharing, co-operatives, or a move into seniors living community or […]
There is no set age for when someone should stop driving. As we age, we are more likely to experience changes in our strength, flexibility, and movement.
“Safety first” should be the motto in every home but reducing the risk of accidents and injuries becomes even more important when caring for another person.
This month’s expert advice explores best choices, not-so-perfect sleep and difficult in-laws making caring hopeless.