Getting older brings about a lot of changes, some that are positive and some that are stressful. In small amounts, stress and anxiety can help you to stay alert to risks and motivate you to take action. However, longer lasting anxiety can be a warning signal about your stress level. Anxiety
An occurrence that delays, prevents or even reverses progress is commonly referred to as a setback. Of course, hitches, failures and having to take a step back are inevitable in the journey of life and—all too common on our caregiving journey. When obstacles get in the way it can lead to shame and blame. They […]
Thyroid health…foods to enjoy or avoid Your thyroid needs iodine to work properly and make thyroid hormone. If you’re on a low sodium diet or are vegan, you may need to up your iodine intake. Nutritionists recommend those with thyroid issues consider eggs, berries, cruciferous vegetables and some of the following products in their diets. […]
A few days away or an in-town respite break can make a world of difference to a caregiver. Spa-going evolved in different ways places. In Japan it was going to ryokans, in Turkey, time at the hammon and in Finland, saunas and steam rooms became popular. But it wasn’t until the mid 80’s that the […]
5 ways to stay hopeful When the going gets tough you’ll need to muster all the strength you’ve got. Experts suggest: 1) Positive thinking – find the good rather than what’s wrong in a situation 2) Keep perspective – step back and consider the big picture 3) Be patient – it may take a while […]
It is one of the most common (and contentious) questions asked by family caregivers and seniors. When should an older adult to end their time behind the wheel? There is no right answer to this question. Every situation is different. Physical changes related to aging that may bring reduced mobility and reaction time, increased anxiety […]
Be kind to others Scientific studies point to clear physical and mental benefits of supporting others. In particular the selfless act of volunteering, friends and family. And, the deeper the engagement the higher the feel-good factor. One recent European meta-analysis assessed benefits of volunteering and concluded that the average volunteer has a 57% chance of […]
Maintaining physical activity is one of the keys to a happy, healthy, and independent life. The trick is to find and incorporate a tailored and safe exercise routine into every day. Hopefully, it’ll be one that you enjoy doing, keeps you on the move and improves your quality of life. It’s no secret that our […]
At a time when we are more “connected” than ever, loneliness is said to be a health epidemic that affects far too many of us. While our needs change as we age and the type of friends we might be attracted to or be happy with could be different, the ability to meet people seems […]
At any stage in life, it is common to feel, at least occasionally, like you don’t have enough time or energy to do everything you want or need to do. In more extreme cases, you may find yourself exhausted in the evening and unable to account for where the day went. This is especially true for […]