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Stupid Things I Won’t Do When I Get Old

By Steven Petrow Soon after his 50th birthday, Petrow began assembling a list of “things I won’t do when I get old”—mostly a catalog of all the things he thought his then 70-something year-old parents were doing wrong. That list, which included, “You won’t have to shout at me that I’m deaf,”
News, Views & Advice Top Stories

In The News

Time to stop driving? By Anna Sharratt Driving is a lifeline for many but sometimes cognitive, vision, hearing or mobility issues can creep in, making driving less satisfying and unsafe. Then, driving skills need to be assessed by a professional, and difficult decisions made.  Just over a quarter of Canadians hope to keep their licences […]
Caregiving Top Stories

And the assist goes to…

Objects, contraptions and a few helping hands  I learned many valuable lessons back in the late 1970s while working on the copy desk of the Globe and Mail, one of which was how to write an engaging newspaper headline. I was the new kid surrounded by wiser, older men, all of whom were marvelously patient as […]
Health & Wellness Top Stories

Turning on the tunes

Three evidence-based benefits of music What do radio, vinyl records, cassettes, CDs, YouTube, and Spotify have in common? They are all ways that people can listen to music, the universal language that breaks down barriers—like space and time—and builds invisible bridges that connect us. Renowned American TV and radio personality Dick Clark once said that […]

Older People are Happier

By Laura Cartensen  We’ve now added years to our lifespans, but is the quality of life as good? Psychologist Laura Carstensen shows research that demonstrates that as people get older they become happier, more content, and have a more positive outlook on the world. https://www.ted.com/talks/laura_carstensen_older_people_are_happier
Top Stories Caregiving

Your Feedback

MORE THAN A LITTLE TIPSY Mom and Dad are in their mid-eighties and like to enjoy a few drinks with dinner. There have been a few accidents and falls. Last week there was a serious kitchen fire. Thankfully, a neighbour called 911. Their blood alcohol levels were both high. Dad says it’s no big deal but […]
Wise Advice

Wise Advice

Tips for coping with a poor appetite When older adults are not well or recovering from an injury or surgery, they often have a smaller appetite. They may also start to lose weight. Try these ideas if your family member isn’t eating well: • Ask them if certain foods or drinks appeal or don’t appeal. […]
Top Stories Health & Wellness

Use it or lose it

Misplaced your car or house keys? Can’t remember what you went to the store to buy? Worry not. According to experts, it’s totally natural to forget a few more things as we age. The brain, like any other part of the body, needs exercise. So, while later life changes in memory may be bothersome, it’s […]