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Q) My company’s HR department is advertising eldercare seminars. I’m not looking after my parents yet, but they are getting older. Should I attend? Eldercare workshops and seminars are an excellent way to learn about the resources that are available to you and your parents, and the issues that might surface. Reading this magazine is […]
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Old age is not for sissies

By Dr. Michael Gordon When I started down the path of practising geriatrics in 1981, most people said either “Isn’t that nice” (meaning generous, good-intentioned and beneficent) or “Why would anyone as well trained as you want to spend their time on something as depressing as geriatrics?” At the time, only a handful of doctors […]
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Old age is not for sissies

By Dr. Michael Gordon When I started down the path of practising geriatrics in 1981, most people said either “Isn’t that nice” (meaning generous, good-intentioned and beneficent) or “Why would anyone as well trained as you want to spend their time on something as depressing as geriatrics?” At the time, only a handful of doctors […]
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In The News

Is Newfoundland our kindest province? By Adriana Anon We’d heard of the musical Come From Away, about how 7,000 stranded airline passengers were generously housed in Gander on 9/11. But could spontaneous kindness be the common quality of an entire province? Little did I know, we were about to have a chance to experience this […]
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In The News

Is Newfoundland our kindest province? By Adriana Anon We’d heard of the musical Come From Away, about how 7,000 stranded airline passengers were generously housed in Gander on 9/11. But could spontaneous kindness be the common quality of an entire province? Little did I know, we were about to have a chance to experience this […]