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Women Power

A tribute to the significant females in our lives By Mary Bart Our close connections with other women are a godsend. They know instinctively how to support us when we’re down, give us encouragement to rise up and they share their wisdom to help us succeed. And yes, our sisters, mothers, friends
What We're Reading

The “New” Retirement

By Winton Churchill What if, even in these crazy times, you could get paid for doing some work in your retirement? That’s the tantalizing question at the heart of a new book by earn-from-anywhere expert and author, Winton Churchill. He introduces the reader to the world of freelance opportunities online, explaining to them how they […]
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Home Will Never Be The Same Again

By Carol R. Hughes and Bruce R. Fredenburg Overlooked in the issues that affect couples divorcing later in life are the adult children of divorcing parents. The authors share their deep understanding gained during the innumerable hours they have spent with these couples in their practices. The result is a valuable resource for these too […]
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Use The Good Dishes!

By Dr. Elaine Dembe Chiropractor and life coach, Dr. Elaine Dembe believes there is meaning and purpose to be found in life—even during a pandemic— and that life itself is a celebration. In this update of her bestseller Use The Good Dishes!, Elaine offers her insights and those of dozens of wise “sages” and ordinary […]

Thai Curry Pumpkin Soup with Coconut Milk

PREP TIME: 5 MIN PORTION SIZE: 4 This Thai coconut curry soup is made even better with the addition of pure canned pumpkin. Both pumpkin and coconut milk provide dairy-free creaminess to the soup base, which is super satisfying and flavorful. INGREDIENTS 2 Tbsp coconut oil 1 Tbsp toasted sesame oil 1 onion, diced 2 cloves […]
Featured Carousel Caregiving

10 Eldercare survival tips

By Caroline Tapp-McDougall Being “fit to care” requires a healthy mind and body and a good old-fashioned dose of a “can-do” attitude. Make it easier on yourself. Think positive and make things happen…at your pace. Be upfront, be creative, and have reasonable expectations for yourself to gain control of your caregiving experience. 1. Play the […]