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Expert Advice: Handy Andy

Q: Our neighbour lives alone and seems to have a handyman to fix and paint all the time. I worry that she’s lonely and he’s taking advantage. A: There are a number of ways that people target or take advantage of trusting seniors. In some cases, it’s trade people—and in others, it’s scams.
Wise Advice

The ABCs of good eye health

Here are helping ideas for you to maintain good eyesight: A) Sit at a distance that is at least five times the width of your TV screen. B) Include food with vitamin C or antioxidants to help reduce the risk of developing age-related macular degeneration (AMD). C) Have regular eye exams. D) Quit smoking. Doing […]

Toilet Time

Getting to the bathroom on time becomes more important as we age. Check out these thoughtful ways to help a loved one make it. Clear the path to the bathroom. Ensure it’s free of obstacles and as direct as possible Leave the bathroom door open Install a ‘light-up’ toilet seat Use of duct tape strips […]

I Wanna Go Home

When an adult asks to leave an assisted living residence, stay calm and approach them in a relaxed manner. Avoid reasoning and explanations Redirect their attention by starting a shared activity Look out the window together Discuss memories of home Provide a gesture of comfort, like hugging or stroking their arm

Don’t miss out on caregiver tax credits: Pope

Families caring for a relative with a disability frequently miss out on tax credits because they don’t know about them, or aren’t aware that there have been changes in eligibility, says Ottawa estate planning and disabilities lawyer Kenneth Pope. A case in point is the Canada Caregiver Credit, which consolidated three previous tax credits into one […]