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Expert Advice: Infusion Therapy

Q: Are there options for infusion services outside the hospital? A: You can book a clinic appointment or request in-home services if they available in your area. Clinics are a safe, convenient choice for oncology, neurology, immune-oncology, rheumatoid, arthritis, gastro, dermatology, intravenous or antibiotics. They have the same equipment and safety protocols as
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I’m Not a Caregiver

You have a choice before you. In one room, you can listen to someone speak about how to develop executive leadership and presence. In another room, you can listen to someone talk about caregiving. Which room do you think most people will walk into? Which speaker do you think most people want to hear from? […]

A Very Personal Choice

Every family has a caregiving story…For better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. Most couples have used these words as marriage vows. I’d venture to say, however, that during those tender moments in front of friends and family, most people don’t give much thought to what I like to refer […]

Expert Advice – Causes of Sarcopenia

What causes muscle loss? Experts think that several factors contribute to muscle loss (also known as sarcopenia). Physical inactivity is one of them but it’s not the whole story since active people also lose muscle. Other reasons might include age-related hormonal changes that reduce muscle cell growth, reduced nerve activity, inflammation, insufficient protein or calorie
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Evergreen’s B&B Network

When you’re on the road, Evergreen’s B&B network gives you access to nearly 2,000 friendly, economical homestays throughout North America. Each visit includes a warm welcome, a comfortable rest, and a tasty breakfast—along with sure fire tips on local eateries and places of interest.  evergreenclub.com
Ask Our Experts

Expert Advice – Up At Night

My caregiving duties are causing me to lose sleep. Any suggestions? Caring for a family member is a labour of love that delivers both rewards and hardships. Sleep deprivation is a common consequence of being on-call day and night. And even without disruptions, many carers have trouble falling staying asleep. Here are a few tips: Don’t […]
Health & Wellness Top Stories

What is Urinary Incontinence?

The Canadian Continence Foundation Urinary incontinence (UI) means losing urine when you don’t want to—an involuntary loss or leakage of urine. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), urinary incontinence is a widespread global disease and one of the last medical taboos for many people. UI affects around one in three women worldwide. What is […]