Senior sex tips
Your health can have a big impact on your sex life and performance. Here are few examples that you can try:
• Talk to your partner openly to share your thoughts and needs.
• Adapt your routines to allow time for intimacy.
• Discuss the impact of medications with your family doctor.
• Stay positive and expand your definition of togetherness and intimate contact.
Slips and falls
Age related losses in muscle strength, flexibility, or balance reaction put many of us at risk of losing independence and unnecessary visits to the hospital. Why wait? Address the risk of falling through balance exercises, strength assessments, or rehabilitation therapy.
1) When an elderly person falls, their hospital stays are almost twice as long as stays for other causes.
2) Falls are the leading cause of death from injury among seniors.
3) More than half of all fatal falls involve people 75 or over.
4) One-fourth of seniors who fracture a hip from a fall will die within six months of the injury.
5) The most profound effect of falling is the loss of independent living.
Tips for winter walking
Fresh air can help rejuvenate us after being cooped up inside but think safety first. Here are some safety tips to keep you warm and safe during your winter walks. Chose appropriate footwear, dress in layers, cover your hands and ears, bring a scarf, wear bright colours and warm-up with stretches.
Help needed
Watch for warning signs that your loved one needs help:
1) Lack of personal grooming/hygiene.
2) Not paying bills on time.
3) Forgetting medicine or skipping doses.
4) Forgetting names and familiar places.
5) Fear of going out/being socially active.
Did you know?
Engineer Al Fielding and Swiss inventor Marc Chavannes invented bubble wrap while trying to create a textured wallpaper by sealing two shower curtains together to trap air bubbles.