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Tips for Preparing Meals

By Christine Stewart

Helping with meals can be a wonderful way to show care and respect for someone who needs a hand. However, if you’re like many caregivers, you might find it difficult to juggle daily meal tasks along with everything else on your to-do list. Try these time and energy-saving tips to help make mealtimes more relaxed.

Use a slow cooker or microwave. A slow cooker can be used for a wide variety of meals, including using up leftovers.

Make larger portions of each meal and freeze what is not eaten. Casseroles, soups, stews, vegetable pies and meatloaves all store well. Freeze leftovers in single-portion containers or freezer bags, with a label showing the contents and date.

Take advantage of healthy options in the frozen food or pre-made dinner sections of your grocery store. Add steamed or raw vegetables or a whole-grain bun for extra nutrition.

Consider using a pre-made meal delivery service (e.g., Meals on Wheels) once or twice a week. The frozen-meal option gives you more flexibility, but if your independence or mobility are limited then a hot meal delivered by a friendly volunteer could be a good choice. Many grocery stores also offer delivery services or online shopping.

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