In Freda the Frog Says Farewell to Her Fish, Nadine Haruni presents a story that is designed to help families struggling with loss and the often overwhelming feelings surrounding it.
The following are a few of her tips to help us find the right words or actions when explaining the grieving process to a youngster:
• Use simple, direct words to talk about death. Give the child time to absorb what you’ve said and prepare them for the rituals or events that will occur.
• Let them know that their loved one won’t be forgotten and help them draw or write about treasured times.
• Find an age-appropriate book that has relatable characters that will help them explore the feelings they are experiencing.
• Listen, provide comfort and encourage conversation. Remind them that it’s okay to cry or openly discuss their feelings.
• Teach them about appropriate condolence gestures and share hugs.
• Create a tasteful good-bye ceremony that they can take part in.