Staying active in winter
Embrace the season and keep moving with these tips:
1) Enjoy yourself. If you aren’t enjoying it, time to look for a different activity.
2) Bad days. Feeling sluggish? Skip a day. Move more when you feel great.
3) Dress for the weather. Bundle up and put cleats on boots.
4) Walk laps. Stroll around the house, at the mall, church, etc.
5) If you have a flare-up. Work around it and move all your good parts. Don’t let the rest of your body get laid up too!
Caregiver staycations
For caregivers of people with complex needs, Destination Toronto’s, “Relax, Recharge, Renew” program offers recipients a safe and appropriate restorative weekend. Toronto hotels, restaurants, attractions provide donations while staff volunteers coordinate itinerary details, limousine transfers, hotel stays tickets to attraction/events and meals. More than 600 families have participated in the program since its founding 2008.