Color & Control:

You’re not alone 

As an honest-to-goodness member of the “sandwich generation,” you’re likely not the only care provider on your street. Research tells us that indeed, one in four families is now involved in providing care for an aging parent or relative.

Eldercare and its inherent superhero responsibilities are the new facts of life for aging Canadians. However, experts suggest that, for the most part, families are unprepared for the changes and challenges that caregiving brings.

Unfortunately, most of our elders and family members haven’t made plans ahead of time, so adult children find themselves providing care in times of crisis. Tough discussions suddenly have to take place in hospital hallways and at home.

Juggling work, running a household and meeting the needs of your kids and parents isn’t easy. It’s more than enough for one person and, if you’re like the rest of us, you’re an adult son or daughter dealing with lots of difficult questions and stressful decisions.  

Heads up. Caregiver burnout is real so it’s best to speak up before it becomes too much to handle. Don’t go it alone and suffer silently. Ask for help from family members and friends, community support and homecare agencies, and trusted health professionals.  

Figuring out how to navigate the system is key to making better for both of you, so reading and learning as much as your can about the conditions and difficulties your loved one is encountering is important. 

And, with this bonus online issue of Caregiver Solutions, we’re hoping to give you just a little bit more wise advice that will help you cope with the daily ups and downs of caregiving. With tips and trends and thoughtful editorial pieces written by our experts, we’re hoping you’ll find a few extra gems to help you on your way. There’s also a wealth of extra knowledge in our back issues and on our website. So, read on! 

Until next time…

Caroline Tapp-McDougall
Editor in Chief

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