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Tips for grocery shopping made easier

Shopping for groceries tends to get a little harder with age or frailty. It’s easy to slip into a toast-and-tea habit after a hospital stay or a move to a new, unfamiliar neighbourhood, or to get used to living with an empty fridge. Here are five thoughts and new ideas that you and your loved ones might appreciate.

1) Delivery: Create a list, set up an account and ask your local grocery store to deliver twice a week. Or go to the store, choose what you need and save the carrying by asking the store to drop it off at your house in a few hours.

2) Hire help: A caregiver can either do the shopping or help with it. They’ll also be invaluable when it comes to putting things away and meal prep, if needed.

3) Meal delivery: Convenient and an often affordable option, Meals on Wheels or local food-delivery companies have meal plans that can handle special dietary considerations.

4) Plan meals: Work together with your loved one to organize meals. It’s sometimes easier to cook if there is a menu or if food is prepped and set out ahead of time in the fridge.

5) Fresh: Opt for fruit and vegetables that are easy to eat—they will be more healthy than canned or processed foods. They’re also tastier!

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